The headshot is an absolute must within the real estate industry – it is part of your personal branding. Your face should be everywhere: website, business cards, benches, some realtors even do billboards! Since real estate is face-to-face, clients want to see yours – be popular within your market.

Now there are a collection of us who are terrified at the idea of a headshot. On the other side, realtors are all too frequently teased for having cheesy photos (If you don’t believe me checkout the link at the bottom of the page). This is why we have constructed a list of Do’s and Dont’s to make your nest photo session a piece of cake.

Do of Real Estate Headshots

Keep it up to date. We hear famous stories (maybe even have a few of our own) of friends who are excited to go on a date but they show up and their date looks nothing like the picture. Point made?
Keep the focus on you with cropping. A cropped version of your headshot is important so that you can use it on social networking sites. It can also help change background or styling that appear outdated.

Choose a setting that works with your branding. If you live in Florida, don’t take a picture with snow in the background. Stand in front of a tasteful seaside view to show your area of expertise – beachfront properties.

Dont’s of Real Estate Headshots

Selfie No selfies. Do I even have to explain myself on this one? If you take a cute selfie keep it within your personal network, not your business.

Don’t abuse Photoshop. Of course use it for light touchups, but proceed with caution. If you find yourself with a completely new hairline or blinding white teeth – that’s too far.

Keep your spouse/children/pet at home. Although I am sure they would all want to be in the picture, try your best to keep them out. Keep family photos for Christmas, this headshot is not going on Aunt Peggy’s fridge.

Keep in mind that there is an exception to every rule. If you have found your niche market, you may find a reason to do every don’t and avoid every do.

And now, about that link we promised you earlier. Click here to waste a little time looking at some very silly real estate headshots.

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