Local open houses are a perfect way for a REALTOR® to connect with clients on a personal level. Instead of just viewing the MLS listings online, home-seekers have the opportunity to view the property for themselves in person helping them to easily make a decision about whether or not they’d like to invest in the real estate opportunity. On the flip side, this is also a great chance for agents to build strong relationships with clients on a personal and professional level while of course, successfully selling houses and building their business. However, open houses require more than just having property-seekers go inside. As a REALTOR®, you need to follow a few simple steps to success. Here’s 4 ways to improve an open house to ensure it’s the best it can be:

Stage for Success

Staging a home before an open house is imperative to its success. Ensure the interior is clean while strategically still giving off a “lived in” vibe. Try picking up some fresh flowers and placing them on the kitchen table or investing in nice throw pillows or blankets to neatly drape along the couch. Whatever you do, just make sure each room looks tidy, comfortable and nice.

Gather All Information Upfront Instead of Later

As a real estate agent, it’s important to practice the art of persuasive selling. This means, doing your best to gather as much information about potential home-buyers up-front as possible. Many people may provide you with an email address for you to contact them with at a later time but unfortunately, you may never hear from those clients again. This is why you should get to know as much about your attendees in person as possible, including why they’re buying, what their timeline is and of course, their contact information. Ensure they’re presented with ample information to help encourage an effective follow-up call. But be careful! You don’t want to overwhelm them.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Effective communication is going to be what makes or breaks your open house. When attendees enter, greet them warmly at the door and welcome them into what could be their future home. Make them feel comfortable and at-ease by being a friendly and warm agent, rather than someone who just wants to make a sale. Trust us when we say, they’ll know the difference. Also, always thank them for coming and be sure to offer your help while they’re observing the interior and exterior. Let them know you’re there to answer any questions they may have about the property. It’s a good idea to point out little aspects of the house that might otherwise go unnoticed if you don’t tell them about it. This is your time to shine, so polish off those awesome communication skills that got you into the real estate business in the first place!

Strategize Information Placement

You surely have information brochures, property information and contact information, so make sure you make copies of these items and lay them around the interior for clients to pick up and take home. Make sure you lay these papers out in a strategic and attractive way without cluttering up surfaces to better appeal to clients.

There’s a lot to the real estate sales process and ensuring a smooth and successful open house is definitely one of them. By following these simple tips, you’ll do a better job of connecting with clients and hopefully, become a better REALTOR®. Another great way to be a more successful agent is to improve your web presence with effective design. We have the knowledge and tools to build you a great realty website that home-buyers will find appealing and easy to navigate. So don’t wait! Drop us a line now to get started.

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